Research on the Different Manifestations of Tan Kah Kee's Educational Dream in Several Historical Periods in China (1913-1961)
Tan Kah Kee; Educational Dream; Historical Context; Educational Policy; Social ImpactAbstract
Tan Kah Kee's educational dream was not just about imparting knowledge, but also about cultivating character and fostering a sense of social responsibility in his students, shaping them into well-rounded individuals who could contribute meaningfully to society. The present study looks at the various forms of Tan Kah Kee's educational ambition throughout China's history. Using the PRISMA model, a narrative literature review approach was employed to examine 115 papers chosen from a pool of 210 articles. Tan Kah Kee's educational dream, historical backdrop, educational policies, educational institutions, educational outcomes, and societal repercussions were all identified and defined in the study. To explore the relationship between these characteristics and their impact on Tan Kah Kee's educational dream, research questions and objectives were developed. The study's findings suggest that Tan Kah Kee's educational ambition was achieved in diverse ways throughout Chinese history, and that it was impacted by a variety of contextual factors. The study's theoretical and practical ramifications, as well as its limitations and future research objectives, are examined. Overall, this research helps us grasp Tan Kah Kee's educational goal and its impact on China's educational scene.
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