The Theme of Flowers as a Sign of Impressionism on the Example of the Work of Ivan Trush (1869-1941)
Painting, Image, Style, Ukrainian Art, Artistic IdeaAbstract
The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century in art are associated with light and color in Europe, which were characteristic of the artistic philosophy of Impressionism. Prominent representatives of this movement created artworks based on a new approach to color choices and subject matter, including the depiction of real landscapes and floral compositions. The relevance of this research is driven by the need to study the artistic representation of floral compositions by the Ukrainian artist I. Trush through the prism of Impressionist stylistic elements. The research aims to identify the features of Impressionist philosophy in the works of I. Trush through a comparison of the artist's body of work with that of Impressionist contemporaries in the field of visual arts. In this research, scientific methods such as description, systematization, analysis, comparison, cultural-historical analysis, and generalization were employed. As a result of this scientific investigation, the fundamental characteristic traits of Impressionism as an art style in visual arts were studied, as well as the particular features that distinguish this artistic movement from previous artistic philosophies. The research also analyzed the conceptual framework of the term "Impressionism" and its origins. Furthermore, it examined the characteristic traits and features of the works of the Ukrainian painter I. Trush and Impressionist artists, allowing for the integration of the distinctive traits and features of Impressionism in the artist's work through comparison. Through the comparative analysis conducted in this scientific work between Impressionists and the artistic output of I. Trush, the involvement of the Ukrainian artist in the broader Impressionist movement was highlighted. This research can be utilized by scholars and art historians for further exploration of Impressionism as an artistic movement and its influence on the development of Ukrainian art.
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