Discovering Underground Interventions Within the Landscape of the El Pardo Woodlands: Artesian Wells and Trenches
El Pardo Woodlands, National Heritage, Landscape, Artesian Well, TrenchesAbstract
El Pardo Woodlands is known as the largest natural setting in the Community of Madrid and it is the oldest Royal Site in the Spanish capital. These hunting grounds were declared a Special Protection Area for Birds in 1987 ( ZEPA ). The present investigation aims to bring to light two main excavated areas that have affected the development of the landscape in this protected woodland area: the artesian wells and the civil war trenches. In order to discuss interventions such as artesian wells and trench construction, we could define that both affected the subsoil but have very different characteristics since the wells were implemented to provide water to the Royal Site of El Pardo, before the war, and the trenches were made a little later to protect the sides that defended the place. These interventions, both from the first half of the 20th century, have modified the natural terrain and, for different reasons. One intervention is the artesian wells constructed by engineer Janini between 1910 and 1920. The other is the construction of trenches. The method employed for this analysis of the impact on the land used is based on historical knowledge of the place. Previously documentation (maps, blueprints and pictures) has been extracted and systematized to locate the wells and trenches in time and place. As a novelty, this study shows unpublished information and photographs found in historical, military and National Heritage archives. The results allowed us to understand factors and elements of the urban layout.
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