Customary Practice of Tandok Sepapan in Mediating Tenurial Conflicts within the Community of Southeast Aceh Regency
Tandok Sepapan, Customary Practice, Mediation, Tenurial Conflicts, Traditional Conflict ResolutionAbstract
This research aims to understand the relevance and practices of the Tandok Sepapan customary tradition in resolving Tenurial conflicts among the communities of Southeast Aceh Regency. This research is designed qualitatively using a case study approach. The research was conducted in Peseluk Pesimbe Village, Deleng Pokhisen Subdistrict, and Bakti Village, Babul Makmur Subdistrict, for the Conservation Forest, and Tanjung Leuser Village and Gulo Village, Darul Hasanah Subdistrict, for the Conservation Forest in Aceh Tenggara District. The research findings demonstrate that the customary practice of Tandok Sepapan plays a crucial role in mediating tenurial conflicts within the community. Tandok Sepapan, as a traditional conflict resolution mechanism, has proven effective in resolving disputes related to land ownership and rights. This practice involves guided dialogue based on cultural norms and values, resulting in peaceful resolutions. The customary practice of Tandok Sepapan not only serves as a means to resolve conflicts but also strengthens social bonds, fosters trust, and maintains harmony and sustainability within the Southeast Aceh Regency community. A mediation approach considering customary norms and local wisdom creates space for dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation among conflicting parties, offering more sustainable and harmonious solutions in the local community context. The structured mediation process, from the appointment of the Head of Adat to the drafting of peace agreements, enables the search for culturally aligned solutions. Agreements made in customary meetings are based on fairness for both parties and are later formalized into peace agreements recognized as customary law by all involved.
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