The influence and function of the public art industry on aesthetic education under the background of new curriculum reform
Art Education, Public Art, Curriculum Reform, Subway Murals, Art AppreciationAbstract
This study takes the decoration of subway murals in the new era as the research entry point, and focuses on the impact of the new era curriculum reform on art education. Then, from the perspective of the artistic connotation and form evaluation of subway murals, it elaborates on the artistic design points of subway murals, and focuses on analyzing the application value of subway murals in enhancing an urban vitality, enhancing urban aesthetic value, inheriting regional culture, and displaying urban image, Furthermore, the overall cultural value of subway murals was analyzed. Finally, starting from the new forms of art education under the influence of public art, this paper explores the practical significance of unleashing students' independent potential and fully integrating with art practice for aesthetic education. After that, it introduces the application of modern technology in public art education, and comprehensively proposes the guiding role of public art in aesthetic education. Research has found that aesthetic education in the new era should follow the social laws of public art development, emphasizing the "combination" of spatial cultural expression and location orientation, the "connection" of spatial cultural layout points, lines, and surfaces, and the "integration" of traditional culture and modern civilization in the education process. By "combining", "connecting", and "integrating", a personalized cultural expression of the site is formed, thereby forming a cultural system for the integrated development of the line and network. In the new era of art education, attention should be paid to regional culture as the soul of urban personality quality. The "environmental characteristic information" contained in it is a design source that stitches the underground and above ground environmental zones, endowing similar spatial structures of subway stations with significant recognition and memory points.
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