Establishment and Development of University Theatre Studies in Ukraine: History and Present Time
Theatre Studies Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Theatre Studies, Theatre, Acting SkillsAbstract
The institutionalization of theatre studies gained prominence in the 21st century, bestowing academic status upon this emerging humanities field. This study analyzes the evolution of theatre studies, focusing on its emergence in Ukrainian academia. The research aims to meticulously examine the establishment and progression of theatre studies in Ukrainian universities, specifically the Department of Theatre Studies and Acting at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. This unit exemplifies the transformative shift from a pragmatic, post-Soviet theatre theory to a Eurocentric orientation rooted in rigorous scientific foundations. The influence of the academic environment on Ukrainian theatre studies is highlighted, with universities serving as vital hubs for scholarly discourse and intellectual exchange. Innovative technologies further amplify this role by facilitating scientific exploration and education. The university's academic milieu fosters a dynamic interdisciplinary dialogue, enhancing the scholarly significance of theatre researchers' voices.
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